www.gusucode.com > VC++ mp3解压源代码-源码程序 > VC++ mp3解压源代码-源码程序/code/mp3/sublay2.cpp

    //Download by http://www.NewXing.com
/* sublay2.cpp

   Layer II subband object implementation, now with MPEG-2 LSF support */

 *  @(#) subband_layer_2.cc 1.8, last edit: 6/15/94 16:51:50
 *  @(#) Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Tobias Bading (bading@cs.tu-berlin.de)
 *  @(#) Berlin University of Technology
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

 *  Changes from version 1.1 to 1.2:
 *    - calculation of the 3 samples contained in one groupcode is now done
 *      through lookup tables, no more integer modulo or division required.
 *      table_*_quantizationsteps[] arrays replaced by
 *      table_*_groupingtables[] arrays

 *    - scalefactors itself instead of scalefactor indices are stored in
 *      SubbandLayer2... objects
 *    - check for small values in [-1.0E-7, 1.0E-7] removed, because the
 *      test itself was slower than some SynthesisFilter::input_sample() calls
 *    - check for illegal scalefactor index 63 removed

#include "sublay2.h"
#include "scalfact.h"

#ifdef __WIN32__
#pragma warning (disable: 4305 4244)

static const real grouping_5bits[27 * 3] =
// this table contains 3 requantized samples for each legal codeword
// when grouped in 5 bits, i.e. 3 quantizationsteps per sample
  -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,
		 0.0, -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,
	2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,
  -2.0/3.0,      0.0, -2.0/3.0,
		 0.0,      0.0, -2.0/3.0,
	2.0/3.0,      0.0, -2.0/3.0,
  -2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,
		 0.0,  2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,
	2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,
  -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,      0.0,
		 0.0, -2.0/3.0,      0.0,
	2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,      0.0,
  -2.0/3.0,      0.0,      0.0,
		 0.0,      0.0,      0.0,
	2.0/3.0,      0.0,      0.0,
  -2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,      0.0,
		 0.0,  2.0/3.0,      0.0,
	2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,      0.0,
  -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,
       0.0, -2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,
	2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,
  -2.0/3.0,      0.0,  2.0/3.0,
       0.0,      0.0,  2.0/3.0,
   2.0/3.0,      0.0,  2.0/3.0,
  -2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,
		 0.0,  2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,
   2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0,  2.0/3.0

static const real grouping_7bits[125 * 3] =
// this table contains 3 requantized samples for each legal codeword
// when grouped in 7 bits, i.e. 5 quantizationsteps per sample
  -0.8, -0.8, -0.8,   -0.4, -0.8, -0.8,    0.0, -0.8, -0.8,    0.4, -0.8, -0.8,    0.8, -0.8, -0.8,
  -0.8, -0.4, -0.8,   -0.4, -0.4, -0.8,    0.0, -0.4, -0.8,    0.4, -0.4, -0.8,    0.8, -0.4, -0.8,
  -0.8,  0.0, -0.8,   -0.4,  0.0, -0.8,    0.0,  0.0, -0.8,    0.4,  0.0, -0.8,    0.8,  0.0, -0.8,
  -0.8,  0.4, -0.8,   -0.4,  0.4, -0.8,    0.0,  0.4, -0.8,    0.4,  0.4, -0.8,    0.8,  0.4, -0.8,
  -0.8,  0.8, -0.8,   -0.4,  0.8, -0.8,    0.0,  0.8, -0.8,    0.4,  0.8, -0.8,    0.8,  0.8, -0.8,
  -0.8, -0.8, -0.4,   -0.4, -0.8, -0.4,    0.0, -0.8, -0.4,    0.4, -0.8, -0.4,    0.8, -0.8, -0.4,
  -0.8, -0.4, -0.4,   -0.4, -0.4, -0.4,    0.0, -0.4, -0.4,    0.4, -0.4, -0.4,    0.8, -0.4, -0.4,
  -0.8,  0.0, -0.4,   -0.4,  0.0, -0.4,    0.0,  0.0, -0.4,    0.4,  0.0, -0.4,    0.8,  0.0, -0.4,
  -0.8,  0.4, -0.4,   -0.4,  0.4, -0.4,    0.0,  0.4, -0.4,    0.4,  0.4, -0.4,    0.8,  0.4, -0.4,
  -0.8,  0.8, -0.4,   -0.4,  0.8, -0.4,    0.0,  0.8, -0.4,    0.4,  0.8, -0.4,    0.8,  0.8, -0.4,
  -0.8, -0.8,  0.0,   -0.4, -0.8,  0.0,    0.0, -0.8,  0.0,    0.4, -0.8,  0.0,    0.8, -0.8,  0.0,
  -0.8, -0.4,  0.0,   -0.4, -0.4,  0.0,    0.0, -0.4,  0.0,    0.4, -0.4,  0.0,    0.8, -0.4,  0.0,
  -0.8,  0.0,  0.0,   -0.4,  0.0,  0.0,    0.0,  0.0,  0.0,    0.4,  0.0,  0.0,    0.8,  0.0,  0.0,
  -0.8,  0.4,  0.0,   -0.4,  0.4,  0.0,    0.0,  0.4,  0.0,    0.4,  0.4,  0.0,    0.8,  0.4,  0.0,
  -0.8,  0.8,  0.0,   -0.4,  0.8,  0.0,    0.0,  0.8,  0.0,    0.4,  0.8,  0.0,    0.8,  0.8,  0.0,
  -0.8, -0.8,  0.4,   -0.4, -0.8,  0.4,    0.0, -0.8,  0.4,    0.4, -0.8,  0.4,    0.8, -0.8,  0.4,
  -0.8, -0.4,  0.4,   -0.4, -0.4,  0.4,    0.0, -0.4,  0.4,    0.4, -0.4,  0.4,    0.8, -0.4,  0.4,
  -0.8,  0.0,  0.4,   -0.4,  0.0,  0.4,    0.0,  0.0,  0.4,    0.4,  0.0,  0.4,    0.8,  0.0,  0.4,
  -0.8,  0.4,  0.4,   -0.4,  0.4,  0.4,    0.0,  0.4,  0.4,    0.4,  0.4,  0.4,    0.8,  0.4,  0.4,
  -0.8,  0.8,  0.4,   -0.4,  0.8,  0.4,    0.0,  0.8,  0.4,    0.4,  0.8,  0.4,    0.8,  0.8,  0.4,
  -0.8, -0.8,  0.8,   -0.4, -0.8,  0.8,    0.0, -0.8,  0.8,    0.4, -0.8,  0.8,    0.8, -0.8,  0.8,
  -0.8, -0.4,  0.8,   -0.4, -0.4,  0.8,    0.0, -0.4,  0.8,    0.4, -0.4,  0.8,    0.8, -0.4,  0.8,
  -0.8,  0.0,  0.8,   -0.4,  0.0,  0.8,    0.0,  0.0,  0.8,    0.4,  0.0,  0.8,    0.8,  0.0,  0.8,
  -0.8,  0.4,  0.8,   -0.4,  0.4,  0.8,    0.0,  0.4,  0.8,    0.4,  0.4,  0.8,    0.8,  0.4,  0.8,
  -0.8,  0.8,  0.8,   -0.4,  0.8,  0.8,    0.0,  0.8,  0.8,    0.4,  0.8,  0.8,    0.8,  0.8,  0.8

static const real grouping_10bits[729 * 3] =
// this table contains 3 requantized samples for each legal codeword
// when grouped in 10 bits, i.e. 9 quantizationsteps per sample
  -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,      0.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,        0.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,      0.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,        0.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,        0.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,        0.0, -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,
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  -2.0/9.0,      0.0,      0.0,        0.0,      0.0,      0.0,    2.0/9.0,      0.0,      0.0,
	4.0/9.0,      0.0,      0.0,    6.0/9.0,      0.0,      0.0,    8.0/9.0,      0.0,      0.0,
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  -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,        0.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,      0.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,        0.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,      0.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,        0.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0, -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,      0.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
	4.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,   -4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
  -2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,        0.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    2.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,
   4.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    6.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,    8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0,  8.0/9.0

// data taken from ISO/IEC DIS 11172, Annexes 3-B.2[abcd] and 3-B.4:

// subbands 0-2 in tables 3-B.2a and 2b: (index is allocation)
static const uint32 table_ab1_codelength[16] =
  // bits per codeword
{ 0, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };

static const real *table_ab1_groupingtables[16] =
  // pointer to sample grouping table, or NULL-pointer if ungrouped
{ 0, grouping_5bits, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

static const real table_ab1_factor[16] =
  // factor for requantization: (real)sample * factor - 1.0 gives requantized sample
{ 0.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/4.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/16.0, 1.0/32.0, 1.0/64.0,
  1.0/128.0, 1.0/256.0, 1.0/512.0, 1.0/1024.0, 1.0/2048.0,
  1.0/4096.0, 1.0/8192.0, 1.0/16384.0, 1.0/32768.0 };

static const real table_ab1_c[16] =
  // factor c for requantization from table 3-B.4
{ 0.0,           1.33333333333, 1.14285714286, 1.06666666666, 1.03225806452,
  1.01587301587, 1.00787401575, 1.00392156863, 1.00195694716, 1.00097751711,
  1.00048851979, 1.00024420024, 1.00012208522, 1.00006103888, 1.00003051851,
  1.00001525902 };
static const real table_ab1_d[16] =
  // addend d for requantization from table 3-B.4
{ 0.0,           0.50000000000, 0.25000000000, 0.12500000000, 0.06250000000,
  0.03125000000, 0.01562500000, 0.00781250000, 0.00390625000, 0.00195312500,
  0.00097656250, 0.00048828125, 0.00024414063, 0.00012207031, 0.00006103516,
  0.00003051758 };

// subbands 3-... tables 3-B.2a and 2b:
static const real *table_ab234_groupingtables[16] =
{ 0, grouping_5bits, grouping_7bits, 0, grouping_10bits, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

// subbands 3-10 in tables 3-B.2a and 2b:
static const uint32 table_ab2_codelength[16] =
{ 0, 5, 7, 3, 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 };
static const real table_ab2_factor[16] =
{ 0.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/4.0, 1.0/4.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/16.0,
  1.0/32.0, 1.0/64.0, 1.0/128.0, 1.0/256.0, 1.0/512.0,
  1.0/1024.0, 1.0/2048.0, 1.0/4096.0, 1.0/32768.0 };
static const real table_ab2_c[16] =
{ 0.0,           1.33333333333, 1.60000000000, 1.14285714286, 1.77777777777,
  1.06666666666, 1.03225806452, 1.01587301587, 1.00787401575, 1.00392156863,
  1.00195694716, 1.00097751711, 1.00048851979, 1.00024420024, 1.00012208522,
  1.00001525902 };
static const real table_ab2_d[16] =
{ 0.0,           0.50000000000, 0.50000000000, 0.25000000000, 0.50000000000,
  0.12500000000, 0.06250000000, 0.03125000000, 0.01562500000, 0.00781250000,
  0.00390625000, 0.00195312500, 0.00097656250, 0.00048828125, 0.00024414063,
  0.00003051758 };

// subbands 11-22 in tables 3-B.2a and 2b:
static const uint32 table_ab3_codelength[8] = { 0, 5, 7, 3, 10, 4, 5, 16 };
static const real table_ab3_factor[8] =
{ 0.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/4.0, 1.0/4.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/16.0, 1.0/32768.0 };
static const real table_ab3_c[8] =
{ 0.0,           1.33333333333, 1.60000000000, 1.14285714286, 1.77777777777,
  1.06666666666, 1.03225806452, 1.00001525902 };
static const real table_ab3_d[8] =
{ 0.0,           0.50000000000, 0.50000000000, 0.25000000000, 0.50000000000,
  0.12500000000, 0.06250000000, 0.00003051758 };

// subbands 23-... in tables 3-B.2a and 2b:
static const uint32 table_ab4_codelength[4] = { 0, 5, 7, 16 };
static const real table_ab4_factor[8] = { 0.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/4.0, 1.0/32768.0 };
static const real table_ab4_c[4] = { 0.0, 1.33333333333, 1.60000000000, 1.00001525902 };
static const real table_ab4_d[4] = { 0.0, 0.50000000000, 0.50000000000, 0.00003051758 };

// subbands in tables 3-B.2c and 2d:
static const uint32 table_cd_codelength[16] =
{ 0, 5, 7, 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
static const real *table_cd_groupingtables[16] =
{ 0, grouping_5bits, grouping_7bits, grouping_10bits, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static const real table_cd_factor[16] =
{ 0.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/4.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/16.0, 1.0/32.0, 1.0/64.0,
  1.0/128.0, 1.0/256.0, 1.0/512.0, 1.0/1024.0, 1.0/2048.0, 1.0/4096.0,
  1.0/8192.0, 1.0/16384.0 };
static const real table_cd_c[16] =
{ 0.0,           1.33333333333, 1.60000000000, 1.77777777777, 1.06666666666,
  1.03225806452, 1.01587301587, 1.00787401575, 1.00392156863, 1.00195694716,
  1.00097751711, 1.00048851979, 1.00024420024, 1.00012208522, 1.00006103888,
  1.00003051851 };
static const real table_cd_d[16] =
{ 0.0,           0.50000000000, 0.50000000000, 0.50000000000, 0.12500000000,
  0.06250000000, 0.03125000000, 0.01562500000, 0.00781250000, 0.00390625000,
  0.00195312500, 0.00097656250, 0.00048828125, 0.00024414063, 0.00012207031,
  0.00006103516 };

/**********************/	// used for single channel mode
/*** Standard Class ***/	// and in derived class for intensity
/**********************/	// stereo mode

SubbandLayer2::SubbandLayer2(uint32 subbandnumber)
  this->subbandnumber = subbandnumber;
  groupnumber = samplenumber = 0;

uint32 SubbandLayer2::get_allocationlength(Header *header)

  if (header->version() == MPEG1) {

	  uint32 channel_bitrate = header->bitrate_index();

	  // calculate bitrate per channel:
	  if (header->mode() != single_channel)
		 if (channel_bitrate == 4)
			channel_bitrate = 1;
			channel_bitrate -= 4;

	  if (channel_bitrate == 1 || channel_bitrate == 2)
		 // table 3-B.2c or 3-B.2d
		 if (subbandnumber <= 1)
			return 4;
			return 3;
		 // tables 3-B.2a or 3-B.2b
		 if (subbandnumber <= 10)
			return 4;
		 else if (subbandnumber <= 22)
			return 3;
			return 2;

  } else { // MPEG-2 LSF -- Jeff

	  // table B.1 of ISO/IEC 13818-3
     if (subbandnumber <= 3)
     		return 4;
     else if (subbandnumber <= 10)
     		return 3;
     		return 2;


void SubbandLayer2::prepare_sample_reading(Header *header, uint32 allocation,
													 	 const real **groupingtable,
                                           real *factor, uint32 *codelength,
                                           real *c, real *d)
  uint32 channel_bitrate = header->bitrate_index();

  // calculate bitrate per channel:
  if (header->mode() != single_channel)
	 if (channel_bitrate == 4)
		channel_bitrate = 1;
		channel_bitrate -= 4;

  if (channel_bitrate == 1 || channel_bitrate == 2)
	 // table 3-B.2c or 3-B.2d
	 *groupingtable = table_cd_groupingtables[allocation];
	 *factor = table_cd_factor[allocation];
	 *codelength = table_cd_codelength[allocation];
	 *c = table_cd_c[allocation];
	 *d = table_cd_d[allocation];
	 // tables 3-B.2a or 3-B.2b
	 if (subbandnumber <= 2)
		*groupingtable = table_ab1_groupingtables[allocation];
		*factor = table_ab1_factor[allocation];
		*codelength = table_ab1_codelength[allocation];
      *c = table_ab1_c[allocation];
      *d = table_ab1_d[allocation];
      *groupingtable = table_ab234_groupingtables[allocation];
		if (subbandnumber <= 10)
			*factor = table_ab2_factor[allocation];
			*codelength = table_ab2_codelength[allocation];
			*c = table_ab2_c[allocation];
			*d = table_ab2_d[allocation];
      else if (subbandnumber <= 22)
			*factor = table_ab3_factor[allocation];
			*codelength = table_ab3_codelength[allocation];
			*c = table_ab3_c[allocation];
			*d = table_ab3_d[allocation];
			*factor = table_ab4_factor[allocation];
			*codelength = table_ab4_codelength[allocation];
			*c = table_ab4_c[allocation];
			*d = table_ab4_d[allocation];

void SubbandLayer2::read_allocation(Ibitstream *stream, Header *header, Crc16 *crc)
  register uint32 length = get_allocationlength(header);
  allocation = stream->get_bits(length);
  if (crc)
    crc->add_bits(allocation, length);

void SubbandLayer2::read_scalefactor_selection(Ibitstream *stream, Crc16 *crc)
  if (allocation)
    scfsi = stream->get_bits(2);
    if (crc)
		crc->add_bits(scfsi, 2);

void SubbandLayer2::read_scalefactor(Ibitstream *stream, Header *header)
  if (allocation)
    switch (scfsi)
      case 0:
  	   scalefactor1 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
	   scalefactor2 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
	   scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];

		case 1:
	   scalefactor1 = scalefactor2 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
	   scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
      case 2:
	   scalefactor1 = scalefactor2 = scalefactor3 =

		case 3:
	   scalefactor1 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
	   scalefactor2 = scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
    prepare_sample_reading(header, allocation, &groupingtable,
			    &factor, &codelength, &c, &d);

bool SubbandLayer2::read_sampledata(Ibitstream *stream)
  if (allocation)
	 if (groupingtable)
		uint32 samplecode = stream->get_bits(codelength);
		// create requantized samples:
		samplecode += samplecode << 1;
		register real *target = samples;
		register const real *source = groupingtable + samplecode;
		*target++ = *source++;
		*target++ = *source++;
		*target = *source;
		// memcpy (samples, groupingtable + samplecode, 3 * sizeof (real));
		samples[0] = real (stream->get_bits(codelength)) * factor - 1.0;
		samples[1] = real (stream->get_bits(codelength)) * factor - 1.0;
		samples[2] = real (stream->get_bits(codelength)) * factor - 1.0;

  samplenumber = 0;
  if (++groupnumber == 12)
	 return true;
	 return false;

bool SubbandLayer2::put_next_sample (e_channels channels,
												 SynthesisFilter *filter1,
                                     SynthesisFilter *)
  if (allocation && channels != right)
	 register real sample = samples[samplenumber];

	 if (!groupingtable)
		sample = (sample + d) * c;
	 if (groupnumber <= 4)
		sample *= scalefactor1;
	 else if (groupnumber <= 8)
		sample *= scalefactor2;
		sample *= scalefactor3;
	 filter1->input_sample(sample, subbandnumber);

  if (++samplenumber == 3)
	 return true;
	 return false;

/*** Intensity Stereo Class ***/

SubbandLayer2IntensityStereo::SubbandLayer2IntensityStereo(uint32 subbandnumber)
: SubbandLayer2(subbandnumber)

void SubbandLayer2IntensityStereo::read_scalefactor_selection(Ibitstream *stream,
																				  Crc16 *crc)
  if (allocation)
	 scfsi = stream->get_bits(2);
	 channel2_scfsi = stream->get_bits(2);
	 if (crc)
		crc->add_bits(scfsi, 2);
		crc->add_bits(channel2_scfsi, 2);

void SubbandLayer2IntensityStereo::read_scalefactor(Ibitstream *stream, Header *header)
  if (allocation)
	 SubbandLayer2::read_scalefactor(stream, header);
	 switch (channel2_scfsi)
		case 0:
		channel2_scalefactor1 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
		channel2_scalefactor2 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
		channel2_scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];

		case 1:
		channel2_scalefactor1 = channel2_scalefactor2 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits (6)];
		channel2_scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];

		case 2:
		channel2_scalefactor1 = channel2_scalefactor2 =
		channel2_scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];

		case 3:
		channel2_scalefactor1 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
		channel2_scalefactor2 = channel2_scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits (6)];

bool SubbandLayer2IntensityStereo::put_next_sample (e_channels channels,
	SynthesisFilter *filter1, SynthesisFilter *filter2)
  if (allocation)
	 register real sample = samples[samplenumber];

	 if (!groupingtable)
		sample = (sample + d) * c;
    if (channels == both)
		register float sample2 = sample;
      if (groupnumber <= 4)
	sample *= scalefactor1;
	sample2 *= channel2_scalefactor1;
		else if (groupnumber <= 8)
	sample *= scalefactor2;
	sample2 *= channel2_scalefactor2;
	sample *= scalefactor3;
	sample2 *= channel2_scalefactor3;
		filter1->input_sample(sample, subbandnumber);
      filter2->input_sample(sample2, subbandnumber);
    else if (channels == left)
		if (groupnumber <= 4)
			sample *= scalefactor1;
      else if (groupnumber <= 8)
			sample *= scalefactor2;
			sample *= scalefactor3;
		filter1->input_sample(sample, subbandnumber);
		if (groupnumber <= 4)
			sample *= channel2_scalefactor1;
		else if (groupnumber <= 8)
			sample *= channel2_scalefactor2;
			sample *= channel2_scalefactor3;
		filter1->input_sample(sample, subbandnumber);

  if (++samplenumber == 3)
	 return true;
	 return false;

/*** Stereo Class ***/

SubbandLayer2Stereo::SubbandLayer2Stereo(uint32 subbandnumber)
: SubbandLayer2(subbandnumber)

void SubbandLayer2Stereo::read_allocation(Ibitstream *stream, Header *header, Crc16 *crc)
  uint32 length = get_allocationlength(header);
  allocation = stream->get_bits(length);
  channel2_allocation = stream->get_bits(length);
  if (crc)
	 crc->add_bits(allocation, length);
	 crc->add_bits(channel2_allocation, length);

void SubbandLayer2Stereo::read_scalefactor_selection(Ibitstream *stream, Crc16 *crc)
  if (allocation)
	 scfsi = stream->get_bits(2);
	 if (crc)
		crc->add_bits(scfsi, 2);
  if (channel2_allocation)
	 channel2_scfsi = stream->get_bits(2);
	 if (crc)
		crc->add_bits(channel2_scfsi, 2);

void SubbandLayer2Stereo::read_scalefactor(Ibitstream *stream, Header *header)
  SubbandLayer2::read_scalefactor(stream, header);
  if (channel2_allocation)
	 switch (channel2_scfsi)
		case 0:
  	   channel2_scalefactor1 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
	   channel2_scalefactor2 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
	   channel2_scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];

		case 1:
	   channel2_scalefactor1 = channel2_scalefactor2 =
	   channel2_scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];

		case 2:
	   channel2_scalefactor1 = channel2_scalefactor2 =
	   channel2_scalefactor3 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];

		case 3:
	   channel2_scalefactor1 = scalefactors[stream->get_bits(6)];
	   channel2_scalefactor2 = channel2_scalefactor3 =
	 prepare_sample_reading(header, channel2_allocation, &channel2_groupingtable,
                           &channel2_factor, &channel2_codelength, &channel2_c,

bool SubbandLayer2Stereo::read_sampledata(Ibitstream *stream)
  bool returnvalue = SubbandLayer2::read_sampledata(stream);

  if (channel2_allocation)
	 if (channel2_groupingtable) {
		uint32 samplecode = stream->get_bits(channel2_codelength);
		// create requantized samples:
		samplecode += samplecode << 1;
		register real *target = channel2_samples;
		register const real *source = channel2_groupingtable + samplecode;
		*target++ = *source++;
		*target++ = *source++;
		*target = *source;
		// memcpy (channel2_samples, channel2_groupingtable + samplecode, 3 * sizeof (real));
    } else {
		channel2_samples[0] = real (stream->get_bits(channel2_codelength)) *
      							 channel2_factor - 1.0;
		channel2_samples[1] = real (stream->get_bits(channel2_codelength)) *
      							 channel2_factor - 1.0;
		channel2_samples[2] = real (stream->get_bits(channel2_codelength)) *
                            channel2_factor - 1.0;

  return returnvalue;

bool SubbandLayer2Stereo::put_next_sample(e_channels channels,
														SynthesisFilter *filter1,
                                          SynthesisFilter *filter2)
  bool returnvalue = SubbandLayer2::put_next_sample(channels, filter1, filter2);
  if (channel2_allocation && channels != left)
	 register real sample = channel2_samples[samplenumber - 1];

	 if (!channel2_groupingtable)
		sample = (sample + channel2_d) * channel2_c;

	 if (groupnumber <= 4)
		sample *= channel2_scalefactor1;
	 else if (groupnumber <= 8)
		sample *= channel2_scalefactor2;
		sample *= channel2_scalefactor3;
	 if (channels == both)
		filter2->input_sample(sample, subbandnumber);
		filter1->input_sample(sample, subbandnumber);
  return returnvalue;